Our club started out as the Central Iowa Two Cylinder Club. The first organizational meeting was held January 15, 1990 in Dallas Center IA. Tom Manning was elected president. Other members that were elected are as follows: Vice President Roger Rowe, Secretary/Treasurer Art Hitz, and Historian Andy Coulter. A unanimous vote of the membership ensued. After this a request was made for 6 volunteers to serve as directors who were as follows: Paul Lehman, Richard Harrison, Bob Webster, Harold Schearer, Dick Carlson, and Chuck McCain. Chuck Noland represented the Two Cylinder Worldwide and was instrumental in helping form the club and getting it chartered. The charter to Two Cylinder Worldwide was signed March 12, 1990. The charter agreement for the club was signed later at the Woodchuck Restaurant in Woodward, IA on November 12 1991. Dues were ten dollars, plus you had to be a member of Two Cylinder Worldwide.
The clubs first Iowa State Fair showing was in 1991. It was an all green show and there were 63 tractors lined up on Grand Avenue. We have been at the fair every year since except in 2020 when there was no Fair because of Covid19 concerns. Several years after our first showing, the Fair Board suggested we allow other brands of tractors show with us. We had almost ninety tractors one year.
Along with the fair being a very important event, the club also has participated in the Iowa State Fair Parade since 1991. In keeping with our heritage, John Deere tractors take the lead at this parade with other brands following. After the first parade it was decided by a couple of our members that we needed a float to pull through the parade that would represent our two cylinder heritage. They went to work on it and had it ready for the July 4th parade in Sheldahl. Since then the club has changed to a more generic parade cart to represent us as the "Central Iowa Tractor Club".
The members of the club have always been willing participants in parades and celebrations. There have also been bus rides, walk-a-bouts, fun days and an annual Holiday party.
As the years progressed our membership continued to increase. We had to raise dues to $20, which recently increased to $25. We are a growing club which now includes different brands of tractors. As a result of this, we were required to change our name in 2011 to the Central Iowa Tractor Club.
Our club has monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month. The meetings are held at Van Wall Equipment near Perry on the even months and at the Huxley Middle School on the odd months.
The clubs first Iowa State Fair showing was in 1991. It was an all green show and there were 63 tractors lined up on Grand Avenue. We have been at the fair every year since except in 2020 when there was no Fair because of Covid19 concerns. Several years after our first showing, the Fair Board suggested we allow other brands of tractors show with us. We had almost ninety tractors one year.
Along with the fair being a very important event, the club also has participated in the Iowa State Fair Parade since 1991. In keeping with our heritage, John Deere tractors take the lead at this parade with other brands following. After the first parade it was decided by a couple of our members that we needed a float to pull through the parade that would represent our two cylinder heritage. They went to work on it and had it ready for the July 4th parade in Sheldahl. Since then the club has changed to a more generic parade cart to represent us as the "Central Iowa Tractor Club".
The members of the club have always been willing participants in parades and celebrations. There have also been bus rides, walk-a-bouts, fun days and an annual Holiday party.
As the years progressed our membership continued to increase. We had to raise dues to $20, which recently increased to $25. We are a growing club which now includes different brands of tractors. As a result of this, we were required to change our name in 2011 to the Central Iowa Tractor Club.
Our club has monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month. The meetings are held at Van Wall Equipment near Perry on the even months and at the Huxley Middle School on the odd months.